Thursday, November 18, 2010

Free Cubefield On Ipod Touch

The new French manicure ...

Everything is reinvented. The iPhone, Blackberry's ...
And if the technology is reinventing itself every day, so does fashion. And with that, also how to bring some clothes and even how to take the makeup. If this year the corset is a garment that has reinvented itself, together with tights, long socks and layers cincuenteros years leading us to ... cosmetics are not far behind and this time the French manicure colors is what comes stomping and beating territory manicure French life. And nothing more and nothing less than YSL are those that have become fashionable this trend as colorful. And is that the French brand has already released a few days ago (we atrasadíssimas regarding posts, low-relevant explanations will give you) a new collection of nail polish has called Rock et Baroque .

So the brand has created for us 8 new colors to create a new French manicure as you can see is very colorful. These 8 colors allow us to create 4 different manicures known by the names: Belle de Jour , Rive Gauche , Belle de Nuit and Y-Con and .

The YSL nail polish each one cost about € 18 normally but as a special issue have done duets nail polish for manicures each and every one of the pairs costs about 45 €. I leave some photos below so you can see the results. :)

Belle de Jour

Rive Gauche

Belle de Nuit

PS have not been around and now I can not answer you, I promise that tomorrow I'll catch up with ALL your precious blogs. As you know I've been on exams and for the moment I have physical and passed with a 7. I know not much but at least it's nothing. I also had to go to hospital to get some results and made the wrong patient and gave me the results of another girl. The result? I'm in the process of complaint to the hospital for medical malpractice and my time is therefore zero. I ask apologies for not being around here, not to mention to and being so absent but make it up.

And you? "Apostáis this sort of manicure? I think the first one to prove to me the manicure Belle de Nuit for the upcoming gala dinner that I have the Sunday night, I love it!

thousand kisses to all,



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