Saturday, February 5, 2011

Undigested Mucus Stool

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISCOVERING SMALL PLACES

Hello my faithful friends, today I called the post "REBIRTH" that after a week of pain and other tough .... I had the strength to get up and go to Solet, and it fills the body and mind power!! I am lively and even if you begin with testing and new and stronger medication, I have little things like making new and hang you new blog entries! well with all the messages of encouragement and support that you send me, I think you deserve to spare! I also want to send a big kiss and big hug my friend blogger Pupitar BARBIE "pq know what is going wrong and is about a tough day for her, (neni know that although the distance will be with you at heart).
Anyway I hope you like it, is quick, but I have new entries very nice and well prepared presentation of the new collection of "LABONAVITA" kisses for all and I hope you health and happiness you never avandone ............................... ............

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